Intercom Integration

Intercom Integration

This is a guide on how to integrate your data into the Agents Only platform, using Intercom.

Finding your Instance ID

Your Instance ID is how Agents Only identifies your contacts and must be configured in your Client Portal.

In Intercom, your Instance ID is the portion of the URL after /apps/, for example:

The steps should be:

• Set instance ID in the client portal
• Install the AO app integration in Intercom via

Setting up instance ID
Setting up instance ID

Syncing Intercom Teammates to Agents Only

After the Agents Only Intercom app is installed, each Agent will need their own Intercom account.

Once an Agent has applied to your Agents Only Project, they will appear as ‘Pending’ in the Agents tab.

When you have decided to approve an Agent, you will need to create an Intercom account for them (

  • In the Client Portal, find the Agent in the Agents tab. Their status will be ‘Pending’
    Click on Training button and a dialog will appear prompting you for the Agent’s Intercom Teammate ID

  • To find the Intercom Teammate ID, go to Intercom >> Settings >> General >> Teammates
    Click to the Teammate that you want to link to the agent. A details page of that user will be displayed, the URL looks like this:

    The number after ‘admins/’ is the Teammate ID, in the above example, it would be 1234567
  • Back in the Client Portal, enter the Intercom User ID and click Submit. Your Agent is now linked to the Intercom Teammate. Once the Agent has completed training, you can click Approve button to move them to Approved.

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