Our platform marries on demand gig agents with software and AI to manage and operate your customer support team.
We have built a consumer grade product for the agents that focuses on client outcomes, but through a motivating and engaging experience. We leverage behavioral psychology and gaming mechanisms to drive outcomes. Our AI-powered star rating runs through the dashboard, therefore aligning incentives between clients and agents. The better the star rating, the more money the agents makes, and the happier the client.
Our platform utilizes your existing data to score every customer support interaction for behaviors and outcomes. The result is a Star Rating on a scale of 1-5 based on what metrics are most important to the client.
Take performance and insight to the next level by adding our AI system to your interactions to score process adherence, customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, and resolution. These data points are used to engage the agent in self-development and maximize your ability to align the agent incentives to metrics that matter.
We gather any data available about your contact, and create more using AI. We use that data to align behaviors to the customer and business outcomes you are targeting. This data is used to create a star rating, applied on every transaction, and directly impacts agents pay.
Agent sees the star rating and pay per contact real time as the contact is processed. The agent can take a deeper dive into each contact to understand their pay and star rating.